STM honored at the Frederick Keys BGE HOME Make a Difference Monday on September 3, 2018

STM was recognized on September 3, 2018 at the Frederick Keys BGE HOME Make a Difference Monday. Our generous sponsors gave us 25 complimentary tickets behind home plate, a marketing booth on the concourse where we shared our mission and invited children to color and donate bookmarks for our upcoming book event at Rolling Terrace ES, and a 20 second PA announcement before and during the game. Lana and Leela were also interviewed on the field by Andrew Klein and Lana was given the honor of throwing out the first pitch! It was an exciting end of the season game! The Keys were victorious against the Myrtle Beach Pelicans with a 2 to 1 win! Our thanks to BGE Home, The Frederick Keys, Kyle Huson (Broadcast, PR, & Community Assistant), and Andrew Klein (Assistant General Manager of Sales) for their kindness. What a wonderful Labor Day! Thank you!!!

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