STM at CHEER’s Lunch and Learn Program on June 27 and July 11

STM had a great time hosting a few summer art classes for Community CHEER‘s Lunch and Learn Program. We made fun mosaics with the 2nd and 5th graders on June 27 2019 and decorated colorful tiles with the K and 1st graders on July 11, 2019. There were lots of smiles as these little artists worked on their masterpieces. Our thanks to Jackie Frazier and Doris Duarte for their kind invite, to Arts on the Block for their lovely donation of glass tiles and grout, to the Lunch and Learn K and 1st graders who decorated bookmarks for our literacy program, and to our wonderful members Brigitte, Eric, Declan, and Carter who did an amazing job helping the students!. We hope to share more craft projects at Lunch and Learn next summer. #kindness

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