Councilman Tom Hucker Presents STM with a Citation on February 16, 2020

Our thanks to Montgomery County Councilmember Tom Hucker for presenting Small Things Matter with a citation on February 16, 2020 at our Kokua Foods Distribution at Rolling Terrace ES. So proud of our team! Everyone has been giving 110% to help those in need. 🙂

Our citation reads:
Montgomery County Council Awards This Citation to Small Things Matter
In Recognition of its Many Charitable Initiatives for the Less Fortunate
Small Things Matter — through its Kokua Foods, Books for Bedtime and Crafting for Charity projects — exemplifies the spirit of charitable giving
that makes our county a strong and caring community. Through partnerships with businesses, Kokua Foods provides food and household
goods to families struggling with food insecurity. Books for Bedtime
empowers children through literacy, while Crafting for Charity gives
children the opportunity to create gifts for their less-fortunate peers.
Tom Hucker
Council Vice President

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