STM Teen Pantry Distribution

Wonderful job by our teens yesterday at our pantry distribution. Delicious pizza, pasta, canned food, eggs, frozen chicken, masks, and clothes were shared. Our thanks to Marla Caplon/ MoCo Food Security Task Force, Wegmans Germantown, ROSCOE’S Neapolitan Pizzeria, The Makana Project, The Pollination Project, Amerigroup, TPSS Co-op, our community, members (Jimmy, Jim, Lew, Tim, John), and teens (Axel, Lucy, Isabel, Kyle, Kat, Lana, Ethan, Jacob, Anni, Josh, Pablo, Alex, Violeta, Aline, Adam, Shae, Brigitte, Andrew, Gabe, Owen, Grace, Sana). #kindness

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