Kokua Foods distributions during October 2019

Small Things Matter Kokua Foods distributed over 7000lbs of fresh produce, grocery, dairy, bread, frozen foods, canned goods and other nonperishable items to 150 local Takoma Park families in need in October 2019. Our members also shared new books and read to the younger children at the distributions. We are grateful to our partners at WegmansWegmansImperfect FoodsKOL Foods, and the TPSS Co-op for their generous donations of fresh produce, grocery, dairy, bread, frozen foods including chicken, and healthy snacks, generous student donor Katherine and her family for their contribution of nonperishable foods on a weekly basis, and Difference Makers for being a recipient distribution group with our program. Our thanks to our fantastic adult volunteers (Bryan GoehringSeth Grimes, Amber Cameron, Stephen Whitney, Wei Li, Leandra Nichola, Aurelie Bush , Doris DuarteKevin BuchananWendy Kent, Kia Robinson, Tyrone Robinson, Margaret Sutton, Doug Disrud, Jeff Diamant, John Anderson, and Roxanne Yamashita) and great student volunteers (Carter, Sam, Sam, Zach, Jacinto, Vaylor, Abigail, Lana, Yacouba, Precious, and Hadrian) for their dedication and hard work.
We would love to have additional volunteers for our food recovery efforts. If you are interested please contact us! www.smallthingsmatter.org

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