Celebrating MLK Day at N. Bethesda Marriott, January 20, 2020

Our deepest thanks to everyone for coming out to celebrate MLK Day with us at the Montgomery County Volunteer Center yesterday on January 20, 2020 at the North Bethesda Marriott. Together we decorated and filled 350 toiletry bags to support and brighten the lives of those at Shepherd’s TableInterfaith Works, and The Children’s Inn at NIH. It was great seeing our friends County Executive of Montgomery County Marc Elrich and Councilman Evan Glass, along with councilmembers Sidney Katz and Gabe Albornoz! Special thanks to our STM members and volunteers who helped the children and families, to our teens who collected 8 large boxes of toiletries over the summer, to our friends at Key West Crossing Dental Associates for their generous donation of 200 toothbrushes, toothpastes, and dental floss, to Daisy Troop #42051 for hosting a canned food drive for our Kokua Foods familes, and to everyone at MCVC (Melissa Jackson, Molly Callaway, LaShawn Rogers) for coordinating this amazing event as well as their generous grant used to purchase additional supplies (cloth bags, socks, hotel toiletries) for this project. #MLKDay#DayON25#youthservice#kindness

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