Holiday Gifts Make the Season Bright

The holidays can be an especially stressful time of year, especially for families that are struggling to put food on the table. Each year we collect brand new toys to support their holiday celebration. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our community and many wonderful groups that host toys drive for us we were able to give out over 2000 toys and 600 gift cards to children ages 0-18 in Takoma Park and Silver Spring. Our thanks to Wegmans, TPSS Coop, Main Street Pearl, Ace Hardware, HS student Victoria Daza, Washington Episcopal Day School, Kehilat Pardes, Scout Troop 3921, Scout Troop 34039, Metropolitan Community Club of Montgomery County (MCC), Blessed Sacrament Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Grace Episcopal Day School, Nimble Finger Quilt Club, and St. George Greek Orthodox Church. The toys were shared at the apartments we serve (Cambridge & Winslow Apts, Edinburgh Apts, Essex House Apts Hampshire Tower Apts, Parkview Apts), as well as at Red Top Road, TPSS Coop, and Brookhaven Elementary School.

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