Roxanne Yamashita • Executive Director
Roxanne has served as STM’s ED since it became a nonprofit in 2017. Her day job as a scientist guided STM’s role in getting families vaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic, distributing PPE, and spreading awareness.
Lana Anderson • Founder and President
Lana’s vision is to engage children in community service at an early age. Lana has been involved in community service since the age of 2. She served as the President of the Difference Makers club at both Takoma Park Middle School and Montgomery Blair High School. Lana is currently a biology major at University of Maryland where she coordinates STM donations for the UMD Campus Pantry.
Flor Yanes• Treasurer
Flor has served many in need through her work at CASA, CHEER, and other non-profit organizations. She is currently the Community Outreach Specialist for Crossroads Community Food Network helping families and individuals navigate federal nutrition benefits such as SNAP and WIC.
Nafkote Dana • Secretary
Nafkote serves as the site coordinator for food distributions at Maple View Apartments in Takoma Park with a focus on the seniors living there. She is currently working with Habitat for Humanity to help build the home of her dreams.
Solomon Ucko • Webmaster
Solomon started programming computers at about 7 years old, and uses his extensive experience and knowledge in computer programing to help others. He works behind-the-scenes, initially with Difference Makers at Takoma Park Middle School and now with Small Things Matter, to keep our website running smoothly and fixes any technical issues that arise.
STM Clubs at MCPS
STM Teen Officers (top to bottom, left to right).
Thomas S. Wooton High School: Nikki Cohen, Co-President; Abby Needleman, Co-President; Charlie Balian, Treasurer
Walt Whitman High School: Marion Lambert, Co-President and Sahana Thyagarajan, Co-President
Walter Johnson High School: Mallory Booth, Co-President; McKenna Onder, Co-President; Isla Bartholomew, Vice-President; Kate Gramlich, Treasurer; Emily Ranzer, Secretary.
Montgomery Blair High School: Pine Hastings-Wilkins, Co-President; Mehr Kaur, Co-President; Tovy Udomtanasub, Treasurer; Torgyn Zhumadil, Officer.
Richard Montgomery High School: Oren Egnal, Co-President and Ved Bhise, Co-President
Winston Churchill High School: Arianna Raney, Co-President and Amina Ahmed, Co-President
Quince Orchard High School: Chelsea Grand, President
STM Team members:
Ruth Abrams
Karen Ackerman
Isabel Aliaga
Soumya Alva
John Anderson
Lana Anderson
Mateo Aritmendiz
Samuel Aritmendiz
Evie Avillo
Lisa Beaudet
Mario Ben
Violeta Ben
Jessie Blackburn
Colman Brown
Aurelie Bush
Zachary Bush
Sam Bush
Amber Cameron
Lucia Cangelosi
Sean Cantella
Susan Van Keulen-Cantella
Xavier Cantella
Quincy Cantella
Amaranth Carrasco
Ocean Carrasco
Neal Chalofsky
Alba Laplante Christensen
Nina Laplante Christensen
Danny Chung-A-Fung
Lucya Coil
Zara Coil
Steve Coleman
Dara Corrigan
Nafkote Dana
Jimmy Daukas
Virginia Davis
Warren Davis
Laura Delaney
Jody Devoll
Taylor Dibbert
Laura diCurcio
Hannah Deutsch
Janet Douglas
Jim Douglas
Doris Duarte
Rashann Duvall
Paul B. Ellis
Geoff Engal
Owen Engal
Talia Engal
John Elrich
Art Fabel
Lola Ferguson
Max Finberg
Chris Fitzgerald
Jackie Frazier
Victoria Glancy
Emily Glazer
Rachel Gold
Ian Arthur Gray
Ian Gray
Seth Grimes
Mary Hanisco
Caroline Hardin
Jay Hardin
James Hardin
Katherine Hardin
Liana Hiestand
Mikel Anne Hoffman
Pablo Hormigo
Sara Hormigo
Joe Howard
Kyah Ikle-Khalsa
Mimi Ikle-Khalsa
Satjiwan Ikle-Khalsa
Jamie Iwugo
Agnieszka Jones
Louise Jung
Sawa Kamara
Bethany Karn
Karl Kosok
Kate Killberg Rahaim
Leora Klapper
Carla Komich
Bruce Koppel
Peter Kovar
Paula Kowalczuk
Lesley Krauland
Chen-Yu (Sue) Kuo
Regina LaBelle
Aline Lambert
Marion Lambert
Kaizen Lartevi
Emma Laplante-Christensen
Ramona Lewis
Sean Li
Wei Li
Cameron Long
Jessica Lubell
River Maier
Elena Marin
Pablo Marin
Rocio Marin
Emmanuelle Mathieu
Syd Maynard
Jacob McDermott
Margaret McDonnell
Sue Katz Miller
Shoshana Mintz-Urquhart
Darren Mitchell
Arianna Mondelli
Marta Montoro
Connor Moody
Owen Moody
Lewis Morris
Mamta Patel Nagaraja
Amalia Netter
Eitan Netter
Jerome Netter
Leandra Nichola
Kati Nolfi
Allison Nugent
Shreya Ohri
Chris Owens
Carol Ossi
Lisa Page
Glenn Pedersen
Martha Peterson
Kate Killberg Rahaim
Lucas Rahaim
Dori Reinhalter
Rachel Rigby
Kevin Rodriguez
Meg Royce
David Schneeweis
Jim Sebastian
Elena Segura
Risa Shaw
Ethan Shoham
Thomas Showalter
Esther Siegel
Ken Simler
Carmelita Spilman
Diane Marie St. George
Rachel Strong
Adam Strong-Jacobson
Shae Strong-Jacobson
Mike Tabor
Aarnav Tare
Abhinav Tare
Dipali Tare
Sahana Thyagarajan
Barry Toiv
Mitch Tropin
Terry Tropin
Solomon Ucko
Wabi Waboudou
Elizabeth Wallace
Alice Weiss
Grant Welles
Grant Welles
Malawi Welles
Thomas Welles
Barbara Whitney
Steve Whitney
Dudley Wilson
Pete Xydas
Dawn Yamashita
Roxanne Yamashita
Scott Yamashita
Anna Yoshida
Flor Yanes
Marina True
Raisa Urena Nolasco
James Vanderjack
Sanjay Wickramasekera