STM Annual Holiday Toy Drive

Please join us in making the holidays brighter for the children we serve by donating a brand new toy for ages 0-12 or $10 gift cards for ages 13-17. We serve over 1000 food insecure families in Montgomery County and need a large quantity of gifts. Brand new, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at the many locations on our flyer from now until December 11.

We also have an Amazon wishlist here

Small monetary donations can also be made via Venmo thesmallthingsmatter, Paypal, check made out to Small Things Matter, 14516 Bauer Drive, Rockville, MD 20853, or stop by and donate at Takoma Park’s Pajamarama event on Sunday, Dec 4 from 8am-11am

Our thanks to all of our wonderful partners who are collecting toys for us and to you for your kind donations. STM is happy to provide all donors with a letter of acknowledgment for their tax-deductible donations.

Thanksgiving Holiday Meals

There is much for all of us to be thankful for. We are thankful for our community, our partners, and our team for working together to serve those in need. This year STM packed and distributed over 1000 Thanksgiving meals with the help of Imperfect Foods, Wegmans, Sudano’s, Montgomery County’s Food Security Task Force, Amerigroup, Takoma Academy, The Goddard School (Olney), Bethesda Metro Rotary Interactors for families at Hampshire Tower Apts, Essex House Apts, Maple View Apts, Park Ritchie Apts, Edinburgh House Apts, Parkview Apts, Cambridge & Winslow Apts, Langley Garden Apts, University Landing Apts, and families in Rockville. We are also grateful to Sts Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Washington DC for providing 225 Thanksgiving meals to our families at Twinbrook ES, Weller Road ES, and Eastern MS.

STM Annual Coat Drive

Please help our families stay warm this winter by donating winter coats, vests, hats, and gloves. Small Things Matter has several collection sites in Takoma Park. You can also drop it off at our home/office in Rockville. Please contact Roxanne for details. Thanks!

STM Teen Pantry at the TPSS Coop

Our teen-led pantry distributions are back after taking a break this summer. They take place one Tuesday each month from 4:30-6pm (see our calendar for dates) behind the TPSS Coop building. Families chose from a variety of basic and/or culturally relevant foods including, eggs, masa, oil, and nonperishable foods provided by Montgomery County, as well as prepared foods and produce, diapers, feminine hygiene products and more! Our thanks to all of our wonderful teens and partners that make our work possible.

Wootton STM

STM is excited to announce the new Small Things Matter club at Wootton High School led by co-Presidents Abby and Nikki! They recruited many members at the school’s club fair and have already made bookmarks for our literacy program! Wooton STM is now working on a coat drive to help the food insecure families we serve in Takoma Park and Silver Spring. So very proud of these students!

Mark your calendars for STM’s Annual Fundraiser

STM’s annual Jam Session at the Coop on Saturday, October 8, 2022 raises much needed funds for our Kokua Foods Program. Our food program currently supports over 1000 families in Takoma Park, Silver Spring, and Rockville. Please join us for a night of live music generously donated again this year by Groovalicious and Flo Anito. Advance tickets for $35/person can be purchased here and include include 2 beverages (beer, wine, soft drinks). Food will also be available for purchase. Admission tickets will also be sold at the door – Pay what you can. Children are free and do not need a ticket to enter. ID required to purchase/drink alcohol. Our thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors and to our amazing community for their support!

Here are our donor levels:

  • bronze $50-$99
  • silver $100-$499
  • gold $500-$999
  • platinum: $1000-$5000 

With gratitude,


Thank you Target for your donation of hygiene kits

Our thanks to our friends at Target for their wonderful donation of hygiene kits for our families. Target stores from all over Maryland contributed 60 hygiene kits filled with soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste and more. We shared these kits with the families at Park Ritchie Apartments in Takoma Park that we serve and they were thrilled!!! Thank you! #kindness

The Monitor Group delivers AGAIN!

Our thanks to The Monitor Group for their amazing donation of 50 backpacks filled with school supplies as well as a monetary donation for our holiday baskets! We are so grateful for your continued support!

GFWC Metropolitan Community Club (MCC) Sponsors Backpack Drive

Our deepest thanks to GFWC Metropolitan Community Club (MCC) who donated $1000 to purchase backpacks and school supplies. Using their generous donation 100 backpacks filled with supplies including headphones, composition notebooks, pencils, crayons, gluesticks, and scissor were made for K-2nd grade students. We are grateful for their generous and continued support!